Feel safe being a glorious messy human

Be part of a community of deeply spiritual and realistic people that’s been in the personal growth ring for a long time, who are bone-tired of spiritual bypassing, glammed up, and over-priced spiritual “gurus.”

We are a collective of people who want to feel safe enough to BE, cultivate simple joys, have clear personal boundaries, embody self-compassion, and share our unique gifts with the world while experiencing life’s full expression.

What my readers say 👇

“The needed refreshing perspective on life. Reading Karna's newsletter is like reading those words you keep to yourself, but out loud and in a perfectly, timely manner - tears, dancing, laughter, or deep reflections - are all emotional states I've experienced when opening my email to read her heartfelt outpour regardless of the topic. Highly recommended in this world, where personal branding has defeated the sole purpose of real-time and soulful writing.” – Julie Despraz, Spain

“II look forward to seeing Karna's newsletter appear in my inbox. When I read what she shares, it feels as though I am talking with a friend. Karna's words are often relevant to what I'm doing, seeing, and processing in my own life. Plus she is refreshingly honest and adds in just the right amount of humor to make me smile.” – Ellen, Finland 

“This substack is a series of letters about LIFE. In a varied way, both funny and profound, Karna shares her own life lessons generously in a way that is easy to apply and deeply healing.” – Lina, Sweden

Get insights from a seasoned Olympic Gold Medalist in healing trauma (if there was such a thing)

Every other week I share what I’ve learned in my life pursuing *healing as an extreme sport* from the most honest perspective I can muster – so that you don’t have to feel alone, get tools that work for really nasty limiting beliefs, or old wounds holding you back, and you’ll hopefully be entertained in the process.

🏳️‍🌈 All are welcome here!

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When you subscribe, you will get a dose of inspiration, permission, and a safe space to be human, delivered right to your inbox.

Much love,

Karna 💜

P.S. Wanna see what my "day job” is? See me in action as an alignment-focused marketing and business strategist.

Subscribe to Unfolding △ by Karna Liv Nau

Where stories meet magic. Inspired love letters about Love, God, Codependence, and Healing. 💜


Swedish-born, US-based Alignment Marketing Strategist for Soulpreneurs. Writer about human behavior and spirituality. Mother of 2. Fiercely committed to helping others release past pain and learn to trust life's Unfolding.