This is so brave and inspiring. I especially love this:

“As I look around at what feels like an increasingly dysfunctional world, I can’t help but think that the narcissist/codependent coping pattern is one of the most influential dynamics contributing to our shared struggles.”

Narcissism and codependency are embedded in the socio-economic systems we find ourselves in. The ability to name it, claim our sovereignty (while acknowledging our privilege), and create new healthier boundaries, are vital steps to remaking the world.

We can bravely speak our truths to the powers that would extract from us—just as humans all over the world need to stand up to exploitive relationships, jobs, and governments. This is nothing less than the linch pin of man’s inhumanity to man. Your brave, clear, inspiring writing brings me home and makes me know a real revolution is possible. And it begins in each and everyone of our hearts. ♥️

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Thank you for your reflections, Jules. THIS >>>"Narcissism and codependency are embedded in the socio-economic systems we find ourselves in. The ability to name it, claim our sovereignty (while acknowledging our privilege), and create new healthier boundaries, are vital steps to remaking the world." Heck, yes!

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Whew! What a doozy. Co-dependency, relationship addiction, the empth/narcissist dance, and having to grock that we’re living all this. It’s honestly brutal to face these dynamics and untangle ourselves. I first read Melody Beattie’s work on co-depency at age 16. That means I’ve been working on healing these patterns in myself for THIRTY YEARS! You know what makes all the difference in the world for me? Connecting with others on this path. Thank you for sharing your story, doing the hard work to feel, heal, and grow; and for sharing your journey with the rest of us. You ARE making things easier for others by doing this heavy lifting. Love you. Love that you are claiming your life and doing YOU! 😘

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Mega doozy!!! Wow 30 years, that's wild. That's why you're so freaking amazing and wise. I LOVE YOU!

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