There are no words to tack on to this. Thank you for sharing and for healing. Whatever way you opened up for others with this much grace and conviction I know will become a way others can follow.

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“Listen without judgment. Believe them.

Tell your story to empower others. 

Keep using your voice to speak out. 

I assure you, People will be uncomfortable. 

They should be uncomfortable!

Don't let that silence you.

Raise hell until everybody listens.”

Wow. Thank you for sharing your story, sister. Thank you for speaking out.

I’m so sorry you’ve had to live that nightmare. I’m so proud of you for all the healing you’ve done. And a deep bow to your courage to speak up.

I’m sure Patty would be proud. You’re a hell-raiser-with-love and I love that about you. 💗💪🏼

May your story wake up those who need to wake up and comfort those who need comforted.

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Where are the words when they are needed? As a man, I cannot feel what you experienced. It’s a unique horror. But as a human who has experienced other kinds of unique horrors, I can empathize, I can pray for renewed peace and joy for you, and I can have faith in the resilience of the human spirit.

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