Your imperfection is perfect and your reflections resonate so much with me. Here’s to near-constant prayer, embracing DeepWinter and going within, Ro Marlen and all her wisdom for us, finding the courage to live through the pain of creating boundaries with unhealthy parents, grieving the basic human necessities we never got to have, and daring to slow down and out of nervous system rev in whatever ways we can. Holy shit, being human is so intense. You do it well, my friend.

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What a moving, inspiring, powerful, beautiful read! Your words felt like a warm hug, saying it's ok to feel all those wild things, those difficult things. It's really hitting me today – packing to leave for England for the first family Christmas in 5 years. The last years have been me alone at home, much loved silence, creativity, down time. It feels uneasy to go back to the loudness and business. A part of me wants to stay home, hide in bed, wait it out. Old patterns resurfacing. Panic creeping in. Deep breath. It's ok.

Thank you, Karna! And I can't wait to unleash that wonderful, fiery yet soft beauty of a podcast episode into the world very soon!

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Still thinking about this post long after I first read it. Your wisdom always resonates for days and days. I spent my holiday with mildly functional parents, reliving the patterns that have persisted with them for 38 years. I hadn't thought about it like that, about the patterns and about my age-old methods for dealing with them. The Christmas holidays always feel somewhat traumatic for everyone involved and I just wonder why we're still trying to do it, over and over again, even though it's painful and uncomfortable? Currently plotting with my husband on how to do something new and fresh and break with these old patterns next year. They're not serving.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Karna Liv Nau

Thank you, Karna! I love this! Makes me feel warm and curious to calm down and more and more open up to my inner nature. 😊🥰

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